Saturday, November 10, 2007

Norman Mailer

I've just heard the sad news that Norman Mailer has died. A controversial figure, hated by some, loved by others, he wrote the book I always pick out at my favourite: 'Harlot's Ghost'.

I'm too exhausted to write on this today because I could write pages. Vonnegut and Mailer lost in the same year... Literature and the world of literature gets duller by the day, and we'll soon only be left with all the straight-laced writers full of their own worthiness.


Anonymous said...

chip,sorry to see you so sullen & low. Cheer up will soon be Christmas.

Anonymous said...

chip,sorry to see you so sullen & low. Cheer up will soon be Christmas.

Anonymous said...

We need more Welsh male stripper writers.

Big Chip Dale said...

Dovid, knackered, that's all it is. I can't stop sleeping...

Elberry, thanks but not the way I'm feeling at the moment. I'm going to get round to answering all the comments but I need sleep... I think finishing a manuscript on Wednesday finished me in.

Anonymous said...

A long period of sleep, quiescence, is often necessary after great exertion; and is often the quietness you need to bring forth new works of pineapple-oiled greatness. My life has been full of sleep and apparent inactivity, usually followed my great ideas that, i think, were preparing themselves in that hebetude.

At least that's what i used to tell the JobCentre when they asked how come i hadn't got a job yet.

m.a. said...

hear, hear, sir.