Saturday, September 01, 2007

Going back to bed...

I had a tough day’s travel yesterday, visiting family. I’m only just back after staying the night and I really need to catch up on my sleep. I had hoped to spend my Saturday getting the new blog in order and sending out the invites but I’m so tired I think I’ll have to leave that until Monday.

I now intend to spend some quality time in the dark and trying answer the questions which struck me yesterday. Such as:

1. Why do the staff in Woolworth’s always seem reluctant to serve customers? Are the staff in Woolworth's really the nation's dimmest?
2. Why have the branch of Borders near my family home taken away all the seating from the fiction section?
3. Why do people dress the same? You can see nine year olds dressed like 15 year olds, dressed like 27 year olds, dressed like 47 year olds and older… And can’t the government step in when parents allow children to wear more suited to strippers?
4. Did Big Brother end? Did it even begin? How did I manage to miss every minute of it?
5. Why does any small town need seven coffee shops?
6. Why did a troop of seven women decide to demonstrate Irish folk dancing in the middle of a rainy street to an audience of three? And why was there only one man dancing with them? And wouldn’t they let me join in with them?


Anonymous said...

i went to an open day at Bangor Uni in 1996, i have to say it seemed considerably less exciting than you present it...

Anonymous said...

i went to an open day at Bangor Uni in 1996, i have to say it seemed considerably less exciting than you present it...