Monday, July 16, 2007

It Never Rains But It Pours...

Does anybody know how to fix a PC that won't boot up? Black screen, dead keyboard, no hard disc activity, but I can hear all the fans working. Monitor works on a different machine so I know it's not that.

Free thong for the person who knows the answer.


Mopsa said...

I don't think this will help your blackout, but to cheer you up, you have been awarded a Schmoozer - go and check it out and plan your next move at:

Anonymous said...

Power supply ,unplug from mains supply at pc end leave for ten mins ,plug back in,unless you can do some power checks with a meter it could be anything, sorry chips I know that isn't much help.

Anonymous said...

I forgot it's not in hibernation mode is it.

Big Chip Dale said...

Thanks for the award, Mopsa. I'll pin it to my thong as soon as I sort this damn computer out.

Anonymous, many thanks. I'm beginning to think I might need to get a meter on it, though it's a bit beyond me. I wonder if it's the power supply failing and not supply the right voltage to get the motherboard to power up. I've stripped everything out of it, and it still won't boot. The monitor just blinks at me, ominously.

I think it's either a dicky power supply, a failing motherboard, or bad memory. In which case, I can't afford to replace them and I've lost my main PC.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Chippy, I had my PC die on me a few months - learn from my experience ... back everything up!!